Thank you for your message.

Here is what we offered and what we guaranteed: We guaranteed that if you apply with our referrals that you would be approved for the amount you request collectively from all referrals, either as a loan or a line of credit, or both. If for any reason that you do not receive the full approval amount collectively, that you may be entitled to a refund, either partial or full, depending on the actual amount you were approved for collectively from our referrals, based on all documentation of results, which is necessary in order to figure out how much you were actually approved for. Refund instructions and all instructions for providing proper documentation of results are explained in the Terms of Service, Stipulations. The Stipulations link is here: Stipulations ( ).

There are some exceptions for the need to apply to some of the referrals, as explained in the Stipulations.

That is the offer we made and the guarantee we provided.

Fred Caputo
JPL Guarantee